Walter Rodrigues on the Inspiramais Summer 2019 connection in Novo Hamburgo

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Walter Rodrigues no Conexão Inspiramais Verão 2019 em Novo Hamburgo

Walter Rodrigues on the Inspiramais Summer 2019 connection in Novo Hamburgo

The Coordinator of the Assintecal Design Center Walter Rodrigues will be on October 4th, at 7 pm, in Kinespaço NH (Av. United Nations, 2001, 3rd floor, Room 1), New Hamburg, to present the business fashion market, designers, designers and influencers, inspiration and references for the summer component industry of 2019.

Inspiramais connection is a cable action taken by Assintecal, sponsored by the companies: Altero, Bertex, British Textile, Breeze, Caimi & Liaison, Cipatex, Colorgraf, Componut, Endutex, Cofrag Group, Lunelli Group, Havir, Sappi / Dinaco, Wolfstore and York Also pays local support from Abicalçados, Abrameq, IBTEC, SIC-NH (NH Footwear Union) and CICB. To obtain interested information, you can communicate with the email or by telephone (51) 3584-5200. The event is part of the Calzado Week program.

About the inspiring connection

Inspiring More Connection is a cycle of conferences that begins with research on inspirations and fashion references. This research is carried out by the companies participating in the Inspiration Forum, with the coordination of stylist Walter Rodrigues and commissioned for the creation and development of innovative design and technology materials by participating companies through consultants.

The goal of the project is to promote the development of innovative materials that have the ability to convey true and essential values ​​to the consumer, which is fundamental to making companies successful. The project focuses on a team of highly qualified professionals in their fields, who carry out consultancies to guide the companies participating in the project to develop products that contain unique and global elements, making them the most competitive in the market.

The materials developed by the participating companies are launched in the Inspiramais – Design and innovation of components, the next edition will be held on the 16th and 17th of January, in São Paulo / SP.

Inspiramais Summer Connection 2019 – Novo Hamburgo / RS
Summer Conference 2019
Ponente: Walter Rodrigues
Closed on: 10/04/2017
Time: 19h
Location: New Hamburg Cinespace (Housing 1)
Address: Av. Nações Unidas, 2001 – 3rd floor – Rio Branco District – Novo Hamburgo / RS
More information by e-mail: (51) 3584-5200 or by e-mail:


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