Colograf bets on the Textile Sector

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Colograf bets on the Textile Sector

Present in the footwear, handbags, food, architecture, furniture and decoration sectors, Colorgraf also bets on the textile sector. The company’s entry into this sector demonstrates that there is great potential. “We are prepared and mature to believe in this market creatively, productively, competitively with qualified professionals with ‘out of the box ideas’,” said Uana Gaspar, Colorgraf’s commercial sector manager.

Product Sector Textile..jpgFor Uana, the textile sector is constantly changing due to new demands and market growth. “In this sense, we must always be alert to follow the evolution of the sector. So we bet applying all our technology in this segment through artifacts such as transfers, tags, appliques, tags among other products, ”she said.

In August, Colorgraf participated in Febratex 2018, the largest fair for the textile industry in the Americas, as a way to seal this bet. “A way to open opportunities and expand the market. We can’t afford to stay still, ”said the commercial manager.

She concludes by saying that expectations in the Brazilian textile production chain are high because it is the fourth largest garment production park and the fifth largest textile producer in the world. “We are driven by challenges and we believe in a Brazil of strong colors that will find its way.”


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